Mitch Wong - Still On The Throne

Still On The Throne

Mitch Wong

Mitch Wong is a worship leader and songwriter whose passion for bringing faith and music together is prevalent in his music. Born in Australia, Mitch is achieving his dream to use his lyrical and musical abilities to encourage those around him and lead them into relationship with Jesus.

Still On The Throne summary review

A powerful song filled with an overarching theme, just like the words proclaim, "God is still on the throne". Whether you are down in the dumps or flying high, it's a great reminder. Why not listen to the words, and sing loudly? The song is a great inspiration and reminder of God's promise - He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Overall, a beautiful melody about the powerful God of heaven that all Christ-filled believers can incorporate into their worship & Word time.

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Still On The Throne

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