About Ignite Radio
Ignite Radio is radio focused on knocking the popular soul-sucking Christian music from its corrupted pedestal, where it has invaded our airwaves through the years - including mainstream Christian radio and "seeker friendly" church music. It's that type of music that is more concerned about pleasing man than God. We "the church" should be leading the charge in the music industry to the point that the world tries to keep up with us, not the other way around. It's time to wake up, it's time for change. The truth is, most Christian radio bites, it's backwards, it's drivel, and lacks power. So we decided, after the Lord gave us a prophetic word in 2019, that it was time to do it God's way...tear down the altars and take back the music with everything that brings joy to God and life to the listener! Please join with us in taking back the airwaves!
Ignite Radio is part of Worship Live Ministries. Our goal is to bring musicians together, to get new music out from musicians that are seeking after God, not man, to make music that matters. After all, we need each other and we all need Jesus! With the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit, we will see greater spiritual awakening of gifts, healing, repentance, personal revival, and more - but only if our music amplifies and glorifies the Lord.
God loves you, we love you, so just do the right thing, and put your focus on Jesus. Make it your passion to become more radically in love with our Savior through your music and life! The rest will work itself out.
How Ignite Makes a Difference
Ignite is one of the interwoven ministries of Worship Live - each reach toward one purpose…turning hearts to God. We are disciple makers, ministering to the hearts of today’s music makers. When a music artist’s life is transformed, the music they make becomes life-giving, healing, hopeful, and it resonates with the love of God. We are calling forth those with the desire to see their music used by God to tear apart the loneliness and the darkness in the lives of those lost in the deception of this world…seeing their music reach in with hope for the hurting, love for the lonely, and comfort for those in despair.
Why Ignite?
God spoke to our hearts and told us that, “From secular to Christian artists that have forgotten who they are, reveal my Kingdom to them, young and old…write the songs, let your voice be heard”. Our charge is to take back the music industry that has been polluted for decades by the enemy, to reignite the music artists of the Lord and re-engage them with their high calling, and to bring in and disciple those with a desire to infiltrate the airwaves with new songs that bring God’s Kingdom and Word near.
About our founders
Lisa and Vin Fetty each came to the Lord in their early twenties. Having grown up in households where they were surrounded by music, it is no surprise that they both were so drawn to it. As Christ followers, that love of music was expressed through dancing and singing for Lisa and playing the guitar and writing poetry for Vin. When they met in the year 2000, they knew God would utilize their gifts for His purpose.
As the vision unfolded for Worship Live Ministries from 2015 to 2018, Lisa and Vin sought the Lord for His timing and watched as the Lord began to bring favor upon this ministry.
Worship Live and Ignite Radio will boldly and unashamedly declare the Kingdom of God through every avenue of music.
See our statement of faith for more.
Join The Fight
We have a responsibility, to not just go to church, but to be the church. God's Word says "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden." -Matthew 5:14.