Amanda Danziger - The Only

The Only

Amanda Danziger

Amanda Danziger started leading worship at the age of 12, when she taught herself guitar with a BJ's Club electric guitar that her dad bought. She was following in the footsteps of her very musical sister, and family church environment, that really shaped much of who she is today.

The Only summary review

As an indie artist, Amanda Danziger released this single at a pivotal time in the world, though the message is for all times. You can hear the need for Christ in life as the song works through the gospels. Boldy stated and not ashamed, "The Only" is an anthem to Jesus, how he is needed by all in a broken world, and from all sides...a divided people. The song helps us to focus on the Light, bringing our minds back to the only solution.

It's a refreshing lyric tune, and pleasing rhythmic sound. A snippet from the lyrics - "Jesus, you are the only hope of the lonely". It's a quick three-minute listen that is musically beautiful and lyrically full of worship.

The song is a stark reminder to many Christian artists that lyrics are worth doing right, that they serve a clear purpose.

On the rhythm side, it was a little dry, and she could punch up the music on certain lines to give it an even deeper feel.

Overall, "The Only" is a worthwhile listen to help bring some peace to the troubled waters in these unknown times.

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The Only

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